

in·spi·ra·tion Noun /ˌinspəˈrāSHən/ 

noun: afflatusinhalation

inspirations plural
  1. The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative
    • Helen had one of her flashes of inspiration
    • the history of fashion has provided designers with invaluable inspiration
  2. The quality of having been so stimulated, esp. when evident in something
    • a rare moment of inspiration in an otherwise dull display
  3. A person or thing that stimulates in this way
    • he is an inspiration to everyone
  4. A sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea
    • then I had an inspiration
  5. The divine influence believed to have led to the writing of the Bible
  6. The drawing in of breath; inhalation
  7. An act of breathing in; an inhalation

I think I favor the definition of # 6 & 7. The reason is rather simple.. I have begun to define my times of inspiration, which is an act under the definition of # 4, as times when my head swells with ideas. I find myself unable to contain my thoughts, by virtue of needing to speak about what's flowing through me. Much like a musician may have moments of inactivity before jamming out without warning. 
This blog is to help convey these times of outpouring of my ideas, which usually have their surge after I wake up... After a day of what I have called mentally exhaling. It is in those times of exhaling that I am gathering information, collecting my thoughts, and recalling the culmination of emotions. Because when I inhale there is a surge of energy that makes everything multiply in value. 

I thought I'd stick the definition of Inspiration here since many people don't know the first thing about it.. They assume any feeling in the gut is a matter of inspiration, or rather plagiarism can be looked at as being inspired. 
Well it's one thing to see the work of someone else and thus be inspired to reiterate that work in your own creative words/process so that the likeness isn't there even though there is some vague similarity within context.. However, it is something else entirely when a person is so lazy that they just copy-paste material and try to put their name to it so that they can get attention on Facebook. 

So take a closer look at the words I slap all over my posts.. You may find that there's a heavy amount of truth to them that is steeped in my intellect and seasoned with wit. 

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