

I suppose it comes up from time to time, a question pertaining to my intent in writing in blogs as well as my specific intentions for Inspirational Content being formatted a certain way.

When I have a moment of inspiration, it doesn't automatically come down to a literary excerpt of my thought that is then placed here. There is a certain criteria for this blog that is beyond the vague idea that all inspiration is the same. The content of this blog is aimed to help transfer the inspiration to the reader and I aim to do it in a light of optimism and encouragement.
Granted, there are some topics that may seem grim, even macabre to the reader at first. However, the posts are aimed to cut negativity out from under the knees, leaving it on the ground to be trampled on by positivity, hope, and light.

I have no interest in combating the ideologies of the world here. I find that non-conducive of intellectually positive thinking. I typically don't like doing that any time unless I have to give someone a piece of my mind because of their utterly enormous amount of arrogance or ignorance. Something to which I don't have a blog for and I do not intend to make one to do.

When you look into the posts, it's best to look between the lines for subtle cues and metaphorical outlines that are pointing elsewhere as a source of understanding. Research the ideas, test the advice that may be given, and never assume that anything is absolute within the context of my writing. I may not be the type to just talk out of my ass, but I am not someone who claims to have all the answers either.
I would rather be a catalyst for intellectual thinking of emotionally charged concepts than to be blindly followed by people who don't know how to become leaders.

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