
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Grand Candle Light

The light of a candle is subtle and useful.
Candle light is not blinding to the eyes, yet candle light provides enough light to illuminate a path.
Limits of a candle are only by the imagination and flammable objects.

Darkness can cover the face of all objects with such intensity that they seem devoured by it, but one candle light makes the darkness flee from its presence. Though the candle light can only push the darkness away in proportion to the strength of its light.
How ironic it is that a Flood light, sucking up a hundred times more energy to create its blinding brilliance, is unable to make an effect that is proportionate to its use of energy. In fact, the only true difference is that the things revealed in darkness by a flood light are a bit clearer to see.

The life of the righteous has never been marked by their intensity or their energy. Their subtle endurance to keep the darkness at bay, providing a gentle and revealing essence of the world around. However, some people may want to see all the nasty details of the world around them for some reason. Thus they use a flood light with a microscope. Perhaps they believe this is the path to Truth?

Anything that reveres darkness is quick to squelch light, be it the flood light or the candle light. To them, the only difference between the two is how to snuff the light. Between the two, the most profound difference is that the flood light can not perpetuate its existence endlessly. The candle light, though humble in appearance and seemingly meaningless to the bigger picture, is capable of multiplying.. Perhaps into a raging inferno that engulfs everything that was hidden in the darkness.

How surprising it is when someone gazes upon a candle light and the only thing they can do is mock its subtle nature. A lack of appreciation for the timeless advantages it's provided and a lack of understanding of its hidden rage.

"Shine bright, little candle light" Says the mockery of those enjoying the darkness.
"My blight! From one little candle light!" Screams the mockers when all is ablaze by that one little light.

The fright of the might of the candle light in the night to unite with pyrite from sinful blight...

When did those creatures in the darkness forget that things die without the light?
Surrounding themselves with the shame of fodder, the fuel for that blaze when it started around their feet.
Had anyone even realized that they were walking on the strength of the rage of that little candle?
Just like a forest floor covered with the past, dead to the world and ready for burning.

If only those in darkness could respect the light.. Those surrounded in darkness and forced to walk in it are never so arrogant to knock over the candle light. Even when they are laid down to sleep, before that candle light is snuffed because it served its purpose, they share that little candle light to others who use it as a guide.

If the flood light could fathom the power within the little flame of the candle light, it would quiver in fear of the destruction it can bring if not respected. Isn't it a shame it is arrogant enough to spout its artificial light everywhere?
How is this any different from those who spout their righteousness everywhere like a flood light, blinding everyone who is still in shrouded in darkness, causing them to fear the light instead of respecting its goodness?

The Grand Candle Light.
A beautiful sight when many are gathered together.

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