
Monday, July 15, 2013

Halcyon Dreams Left A Scar

hal·cy·on Adjective /ˈhalsēən/ 
Synonyms:adjective: quietcalmplacidtranquilstillpeaceful,serenecomposedrestfulquiescentsmooth,reposefulpacificstilly
  1. Denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful

Dreaming is a powerful experience of a living creature. During times of rest, the mind doesn't slow down to a halt and neither does the body. In most cases, the mind and body become very active in a much different way than the woken hours. Experiencing dreams is sometimes euphoric or frightening. Learning important principles or having a life-changing epiphany can happen within a dream. For some people experiencing a lucid dream is what changes their perception of fundamental principles or overlooked concepts. For others it is the inability to control the mind and thus be subjected to the greatest obstacles of the subconscious which creates a new platform of character development and intuitive insight.
My dreams are a distorted version of reality, mixed with my imagination, ambition, fantasy, and fear.

There is another type of dreaming that doesn't take place during the sleeping hours of our existence, it is akin to where we develop our ideas of the future and how we desire reality to become as time passes. This is a visualization process that has a profound power over the present and can influence the course of emotions because of success or failures in regards to manifesting what isn't the present reality.
Some people call it ambition, some call it fantasy, some go so far as to call it delusion. However, what each individual wishes for reality is sometimes just a matter of inevitability and others it is a matter of the impossible, improbable, and far-fetched.

This world teaches, through media and story telling, that the impossible is just a matter of circumstance. Either you are not born into the right family, you aren't gifted with the right talents, or you haven't worked hard enough towards your aspirations. It is much more common to that there are conditions to these aspirations because of conditioning to dream only as high as our predecessors have gone. Which is why it is so common to hear children speak of being in a position that someone else has aspired to.
Perhaps robbing a child of their imagination is when they only try to aspire to heights that have already been traversed. The magnitude of the raw-dreamer is lost at the base of the mountains that should only be a platform for reaching beyond the stars. At worse, maturity brings a sense of realism that is detrimental to the once limitless imagination. Instead of freedom in thought, there is slavery in emotion.

Breaking free of the perpetual spiral of survival is more than enlightenment, it is a journey towards a total transformation of being.
Does the caterpillar know what it's metamorphosis within the cocoon will be like or what the result will reveal? This is the heritage of the caterpillar that is instilled to the next generation. Maybe if the caterpillar were brought down to reality, told not to store up for itself for the coming days because of anxiety of statistical probability of survival, the caterpillar would refuse to make it's cocoon to begin the mysterious process of transformation. What a sad story it would be if that caterpillar were in love with another caterpillar and was left behind because it's love refused to obey the synthetic anxiety of fear of the unknown and thus trusted instinct and natural function instead. Spinning a cocoon as do the other caterpillars and becoming something out of reach to her could-be mate.
If the doubting caterpillar is anything like a human, there would be a point of no return, mentally. A point where the caterpillar is so set in it's ways that it refuses to observe reality for what it is, because pride and arrogance have falsely become safety and reassurance.

Arguably there are plenty of people who live life as if it is nothing more than a dream, even a nightmare.
What are we people robbed from other than the chance of perfection?
I do not subscribe to the ideology that vibrating to the right frequency will manifest a life of bliss. In fact, I think the more an individual finds parts of 'perfection' the more that individual is subjected to the darkness that rules this world from behind the scenes. If that seems far fetched, then look at the proud and celebrated people of popularity; their lives mean so much one day yet they are destitute by tomorrow. Short lived, vanity at it's plateau? Not really.. However, a great example of the unreliability of the material 'goodness' in which they aspire to. A fairy tale dream that really says, "Happily ever NOW"

This conclusion comes with dire implications as well as a heartfelt grief for all who suffer.
We don't live in our dreams, our dreams don't live without us. Because of our finite attribute as individuals and the enormous variance of desires, should we not gather as a race and aspire to a common character?
I think the answer is more than yes.. It shouldn't just be a word response, it should be an emotional upheaval that has a shout that's great enough to shake the mountains and the foundation they sit on.
Until that day, I'll be standing tall in the depths of the abyss, reaching out beyond the stars while respecting my limitations. Because I know it is not by my own manifestation that I exist. Therefore, it will not only be by my own will that I succeed.
Join me, least our dreams be nothing more than a scar we want to heal.

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