
Monday, January 16, 2012

Falsefiability? Who does that?

Often one of the pivotal arguments against the logical existence of God is that he can't be tested and thus is Non-Falsifiable.
I think this notion is ridiculous considering all the Scientific information we've, as a race, have developed relied on imaginary concepts that are non-falsifiable. Regardless of how you come to believe the term, it is just a fancy way of calling it an over-belief. In essence it's just a truth that has yet to be proven. You may even see it's effect or lack a better way of explaining what your intuition says is the answer.. But to fall back on this understanding doesn't make you crazy just like it doesn't mean you only understand things from a misguided perspective.
What then can we call the discoveries in science that changed everything that the majority disagreed with? Didn't those people demand that their definition of ultimate understanding be looked as inherent? The world being flat was not to be challenged! In fact it was even considered a blasphemy to some! Yet there was reason to believe this just as there was reason to believe otherwise!
It was perspective that eluded a flat world as being flat just as a change of perspective would have proven that the world is round, not the center of the universe, one of countless planets and even not the only one of it's kind! Now once again we are faced with a challenging mystery and people are quick to go with a majority vote to discern fact from fiction and thus declare anything that opposes as errata, blasphemy, ignorant!
What a shame it is when the imagination is shrugged of in favor of a supposedly more sophisticated imagination, laying the claim that there is no work of imagination in action.
Scientific-research is only possible by faithful assumption. That is the nature of theory. Because of results do we have any form of answers, usually not pertaining to the questions which formed the theory. Electricity was harnessed based on assumptions derived from the imagination, despite our extreme control over it's force we still barely understand it... We don't even know if it has a direction of flow let alone why it would have a specific direction.. Yet our imagination of the basics beg us to believe we've mastered electricity and truly have gone from falsified information to complete understanding. Yet neither is true.
Yet a being so complex and so beyond our understanding, by nature, is supposed to be falsifiable with our limited means of even testing what is right in front of us? Isn't that, by it's very nature, a lack of imagination..? Isn't that a defeating attitude of a self-serving, pretentious and misguided mind?
If we can imagine things in a different dimension having no comprehensible value because we understand values based on comprehending this Universe or the effects of it... Then how did we lose our ability to think outside the box by boxing in our imagination?
So then, the process of science truly is nothing more than a reciting of factual principles? I sure would hope not because of the virtue of what science supposedly is. And by factual I sure do hope that simply insinuates that there is only one answer.
Hypothetical situations can't create two truths, neither one is. Imagination doesn't create multiple truths, it then becomes separate worlds conjured up from separate bases with their own linear processes of truth. So what else is there essentially?
Isn't that the problem in the minds of those who worship logic? They lack any definite answer about anything that isn't agreed upon? They are forced to use their imaginations and thus create blasphemy to their strict etiquette of logic! Heretics against facts they become! They make excellent scholars but lack the ability to add to that arsenal as a researcher does! Giving credit to themselves for their superiority despite their lack of intuition and use of it like a researcher or detective rely on to conclude on the facts gathered!
God is not one of those mental constructions that is based entirely on some mad mans delusions that has no resemblance to reality and everything to do with the wildest things that contradict truth, reason and reality.
Let's just remember that everyone says that when they are so sure of what that truth is.. Then a new perspective shows possibilities they once couldn't fathom on their own let alone understand the effect on things they do perceive. Now who's become the heretic of logic? The disbeliever of possibilities is who.. The one who only sees with his supposed perception of physical stimulus, the organs not nearly as complex as the brain; the thing responsible for interpreting everything those lesser organs try to signal a truth of... Don't forget, you can't trust everything you see, illusions rely on your ability not to think outside the box.

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