
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Nostaligic Transcendence

Lurking in the corner of your subconscious are memories of the past. Attached to the five senses.

And why is this even important..?

It is my firm belief that one of the more prominent things to the memory are things associated with positive or negative connotation that is as unique to the individual as the personality. Just like when you are trying to remember something and you can't grasp it until something seemingly unrelated causes a reaction.. I believe there is just as much reason to think that the personality of a person acts the same way.

I tend to not like to revel in too many memories since some of them do not bring me good feelings as I mature. What I have noticed is that it doesn't have to be negative things it could be just about anything related to something that I am not anymore. Even if it were something I cherish... The memory sometimes is overwhelming and that's all the reason there is though at other times it is far more significant as it really could have been something traumatic or a very positive experience. 

Nostalgia is a very interesting thing to me... As it sometimes can cause me to literally have a moment my brain ceases to function. Though I do not know to what degree it is not functioning, I feel as though what's literally happening is a mini seizure. The physical feeling I have is as if I am in shock, as it's not something I feel in my body but rather something in my head as if I am restarting. It's actually quite frightening when it happens.. I get scared of it because it comes without warning and because I can't do anything about it when it does happen.. Sometimes it feels like it takes a while for me to re-adjust and other times it feels like it's only slight, like it's not my entire brain. 
The most peculiar thing about it is that I don't feel it in my body as though something went wrong there.. Which is what leads me to believe that it is just that overwhelming on my brain. Though I suppose it could be as simple as my brain accessing pathways that it hasn't in so long that my subconscious literally is coming forth, pushing my conscious self back for those moments. It also makes me wonder what I look like when it happens... 

Nostalgia isn't always uniform..

Most people tend to look at the differences between their former self and their current self and even will go to the length of comparing these to their self-image of the future self.
For whatever reason that the human mind is so rational, it is also capable of being very social. If it is the evolutionary path for mammals to be established this way then it is quite possibly the strangest fundamental secret to life; why else is it necessary to become this way unless it is to teeter on homeostasis to best test our level of rationality?
Though science can determine their theory of the path that evolution has taken it can not determine why it exists in the first place, much like the Universe or the physics which govern it's processes. 
There is no philosophy or scientific claim that explains why there is any consistency let alone viability to what is seen. Humans are the only species capable of displaying their absolute knowledge of events by the concept of recording history. No animal on the planet Earth displays a transmission of higher-knowledge that is irrelevant to basic survival necessity just as humans are the only ones who determine their course of action before the actions are necessary. 

It could be said in many ways and for many reasons that the human being is not just explained through evolutionary process like the rest of the surrounding world can be. In fact it remains to be answered if evolution, in all it's extrapolated might, is not even the process in which the diversity of life originated. Leaving the only other answer to mystery, which is what religious appeal does to the human psyche. 
Though history has always included humans asking the major questions surrounding their existence, some like to brush it off as a natural part of life. Yet... How natural is this synthetic world that the humans have laid over their naturally occurring environment?

Memories define a personality?

Most of the time I am faced with this underlining thought that only a God could make this Universe like this.. Totally hiding his presence in the active tense, leaving so many clues about his involvement in the past tense yet making it impossible for anyone within this universe to truly understand in the future tense. Just as much as I say that only a God would go through all this trouble just to make a point.
That... In itself is truly remarkable in my eyes. A truth of transcendence that lays down the foundation of how foolish humans truly are to think they can create a God without truly understanding the capability of a God. When did humans become their own creator? Or the divisive will of a plane of existence? Furthermore... At what point can or will humans even be able to make a self-aware, being of volition in it's own self-contained existence of automation that is independent and without invariable connection to their own plane of existence?
In my opinion... This is the troubling truth I have realized about this Universe and why I believe in God. 

My memories from childhood have helped me to suffer this long-lasting truth of limited power and limited understanding. I am without excuse if I say I don't believe there is something greater to this world, as it would be a lie. I can feel that there is something going on and the question is so great to me that I understand no person can truly answer it. I have tried to gain that answer and have only been disappointed time and time again over my life. The only answer that has ever satisfied me is the saying that God can not be explained, he is transcendent of us in so many ways that the concept of infinite directly applies.
I do not speak in favor of my notion of God but even in any concept of the divine. As I feel that despite my disagreement to what force is the personality of the divine, it is irrelevant to the point that this Universe is not self-existing or a product of some phenomenon that is eternal and infinite of itself. 

My enlightenment continues..

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