
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kony 2012

There's a lot going on regarding the campaign regarding what the critics say to what officials are requesting that the proponents not do when posting their flyers.
There are lots of opinions and even more people trying to be heard regardless of what their priority is.
The voices of a few has turned into the voice of many and the world had taken notice of people it had openly rejected for years and has relentlessly oppressed in many terms including their ethnicity and financial ability.

This is why I am not offended but rather am worried.

I have been putting in more study towards all of the rhetoric as well as the arguments going on. I usually am against the hype and not wanting to participate in anything that isn't true to a cause.
What I have comer to the conclusion of is that Kony is a horrible man and that the things he's done are atrocious indeed. I don't mind that I shouldn't be trying to hate the man or to just side with the people against him because of their story.
Watching the video that went viral was compelling of it's own but getting deeper into the facts is what has driven me to consider that I need to continue this effort.

Usually I don't like to consider that the things going on around me that are negative are going to stop just because I don't like them butI am convinced that not doing anything is like the same as being neutral to bullying.
What it reminds me of is how people usually don't want to get their hands dirty or how people from a sophisticated society such as America can't drop their damn pursuit of entertainment so they can get a dose of reality.
What really pained me from watching the video was those kids....
I did cry. I looked at Jacob as one of those kids in Kenya who were so nice to me.. Hospitable despite their poverty and so happy just to be loved by anyone.

What is wrong with feeling empathy to that whole situation? Why is it more important to be numbed by a sense of what is pragmatic when children are literally being tortured?
I do care!

I don't know what to do about Kony hiding, about the kids who will defend him or the girls who are made into sex slaves. I don't know what too think of the duration this has been going on or the mannerisms in which certain religions are being misrepresented and people in the LRA are following blindly! I don't know what to tell our congressmen, what to put onto the official posters or what to tell people they should care about..

What I do know is.. I want you to get mad. I want you to stand in rage and proclaim:
They are human beings Damnit! THEIR LIVES HAVE VALUE!!

But the emotions can't end with getting Kony. If that's the case then what about the next guy who is on the list? Yet this can't just be a tirade about fulfilling the lust for self branded justice. That is the reason why some people are against this whole campaign.. I don't blame them since these things tend to get blown out of proportions and then become a political game instead of a stretched hand of selfless aid.
But the solutions aren't impossible.
Right now there are soldiers in the area for the purpose of training and giving their expert advise. They are there to set a precedent in how things are to be handled for future instances.. To give confidence to the individuals in their own abilities and to help establish what it looks like to behave honorably by not succumbing to the immoral behavior similar to the people they are fighting.
All these things are not easy.. All these things have a tendency for being so demanding. And of all.. Everyone in the world is watching, so the tension for perfection is unusually high..
Criticism is legitimate as long as it is honest, with an alternative that doesn't help destroy lives and is for the purpose of looking at humans as the precious item.

My conclusion is simply this.
Stand if you will, for the strength of our race. Give lightly but earnestly. Forgive those who care only as others do as there are times it doesn't change or distort the meaning of morality.

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