
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fish and Bread? What about the "Livng Water"?

Matthew 4:4 - Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"

I have been conntemplating the awesome, tranformational, healing power of Scripture. I find it short of humourous that my greatest struggle with relying on the Bible is the scholars who interpret it's timeless wisdom.
Some people are so caught up in their convictions of everyday life that they find little to no importance in re-reading Scripture, hearing differing views from laymen, studying with the Saints, and/or being bold to speak Scripture as it was written; as is the example within Scripture.
Yes, I am saying there is a lacking of seriousness to understanding scripture through guidance of the Holy Spirit. What really confounds my sense of curiosity is delving into the countless commentaries and secular writtings as the main source of Biblical inference.

Am I implying I'm better than anyone else?
Not of my own authority. I'm resolved that my actions speak for me and my emphasis is pointing out what Scripture says as it's relevance piques my interest/real world applicability.
Naturally, because of my propensity towards pacifisim and unity, I want my views/actions challenged in every way possible. Only because I do not feel I have perfect or complete understanding of anything. I desire maturity, especially in Spiritual matters.
It is my view that what we do in this life transfers into eternity. If such isn't true, then I need an explanation of why keeping God's commandments and Jesus' actions carries dire implications into eternity.

I'll be honest, I'm absolutely terrified of the power of God. Something that my 'psychonaught' journies proved to have an attribute that I can intellectual grasp. Never will I be able to explain what I witnessed outside of saying God's authority (or power if you must) is limitless (meaning he really can do anything, even mess with your head) and absolute (meaning there is no greater authority and God isn't subject to anything he doesn't want to.

The fact that the conditions of keeping righteousness in God's eyes is dependant on good things is God's greatest glory and something he is so gracious to even have a 'taste' of.
Far be it of me to worry about having a taste of God's glory instead of following his commands and believe in the message of the Son of Man to save me from God's wrath, here in this physical life and ultimately the life after.

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