
Friday, December 30, 2011

A Life of Allegory

I have been studying the Bible much more intensely than I ever have in my entire life and I have found a very strange but very compelling correlation to the way that people think as well as the way that people are able to process that thought.

What I have always misplaced as a method of understanding is the art of metaphor and allegory. Or rather... The bi-product brought on by understanding is such.
I questioned a lot of the times why it was that Jesus was much more well known by others because of the stories that he talked about instead of the message that he actually conveyed. I was the type that had to grow up in Sunday-school so it was always taught to me in a very mature fashion what the stories were all about. The crucifixion not being something that the adults would hide the gritty truth about... In essence, I was well aware of the consequence of murder from an early age.

Nowadays I have come to the realization of my true ability to take just about anything that I know and to apply it into a metaphorical aspect of thinking. What I do try not to understand as a relevant matter for other people is that my own understanding can universally be applied. In fact I have come to train myself to be able to look at what others know and to assimilate it into my own understanding so that way I can relate or otherwise attribute emotion to something I've never experienced myself.

But I have recently become troubled by the inability of people to look at an allegory and still see the facts. Such as historical reference used in an allegory. What analogy would be complete if it didn't have some truth to it? I detest such examples of metaphors that use some wild example of imagination that doesn't have truth behind it... Somehow people think that philosophy is just a matter of subjective reasoning. I argue that if one has to be able to philosophize anything that he should be able to do it in the manner in which he has been taught all logical methods of deduction. Otherwise it's just some fancy-relayed fairy tale that has as much meaning as the phrase 'happily ever after'.

My prime examples right now are the Garden of Eden.
I am becoming more disconnected with the people of faith who can not look at that or the story of Noah as a matter of historical fact. I think just because of their frivolous pursuit of scientific truth in the text has yielded an absence of evidence, they then turn to an explanation that otherwise doesn't convey the truth of their own emotions--which is that they feel failed if not completely lost to what their faith dictates.
I myself can't express the level in which I felt lost in certain matters of faith when people showed me that the scriptures in which I categorize as my foundation don't say what I thought or was taught to believe. Because of my own struggles in certain personal matters I have found that there is no way to categorize the scripture as allegorical unless the style is apparent or otherwise states it as such. Quite frankly... The Torah doesn't express much allegory as many would assume. Does this count as blasphemy? I am starting to wonder considering the implications of what their other thoughts start to produce.

So there really is something to look at here... If the Bible is just a big allegory, how then isn't our lives? The hardest thing to come by in this universe is a sense of realism. In fact, if it weren't for all the strange things that we look as phenomenon, we wouldn't have a grasp of the real. It is the consistently predictable aspect of physics and understanding of thought that produces a world in which things that are real can be perceived differently than that which isn't real--such as dreams. Otherwise... We are all lost to the nature of the surreal and the nature of imagination.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Back to -0-

What obligation do you have in this life?
What drives you to fulfill your duty to your obligation[s]?
What allows you to declare your actions as justified?
For everyone the reasons to justify the answer comes in many flavors. Usually it is so complex that there is really no way of saying that there is one particular thing.
Sometimes the reasons are so simple that it seems remarkable that it isn't shared midst all the people who've ever lived. Though there is a complexity to the dynamic state of life that keeps people from easily reassuring themselves and others that there is any hope in this universe and to some that is a distinct impossibility.
I personally struggle with this concept on a daily basis. My struggle is most heavy in my justification to not change the beautiful character traits of my personality so that I can cope with my harsh pessimism. Only to realize each time that I try that I am attempting to establish tranquility through disconnection and negativity.
If I were to trust more in my faith and stop trying to organize my intuition, I might not be so backwards as most of this world. The key concept is worth.
How much worth do you put into the most mundane concepts or the most boring of tasks or even the most bland of people?
It is not a matter of entrepreneurship that I come to this enlightening example but rather a void that's insatiably pulling things into it to derive it's own justification of worth.
I have the tools and the motivation to make a difference; as I near my conceptual, enlightenment birthyear I am starting to be greeted with a host of ideas and propositions of how to realize the potential of my imagination in more ways than one.
Right now I am seeing the source of existence and a commonality of the source and every good idea that has come since, that is observable. I am also seeing the connection in my own mind, the grand scale of the human experience and how far out it's total of experience truly isn't visible even as an immortal concept.
The concept of Zero is becoming something beyond a number in this respect. For the things that can not exist in value or beyond nothingness are losing their worth of static-proportion. God is so far the only example I have as such. The term Alpha and Omega gave me reason, from so long ago, of the true nature of having worth beyond all things.

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Response

For evevery action made there is an obvious reaction. It isn't always as easy as understanding what comes down from above but it is as easy as understanding that the consequenses are as imprortant

Gravity. Is a son of a bitch when you think about the phrase, "What goes up, must come down".

Why doesn't it ever go up?
I guess the lesson of this story is that you have to force things to actually go up at all.
You don't have to realize anything, you just have to go with the flow.

In baseball, it is taught to you how to play life. But in life you are taught how to play baseball. The goal is either how to hit a home run or to hit it over to home.
What strange parallels?

Is there also a way to understand the cross?
It isn't about parallels.
In fact, it is about intersecting.. Geometry at it's most three dimensional dynamic.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Deconstruct vs Demolish

Often times we are confronted with the metaphor of building walls.
This is usually in conjunction with emotions versus the literal act of building a barricade/obstruction/barrier

What I have always been brought to understand is a confrontational mannerism of breaking down these walls is productive and somehow only the start of an even more grueling process to emotional healing.
However... I have been enlightened, inadvertently, to the farce behind this mentality.

The truth of the matter is that by doing things so hastily and without hesitation causes a lack of thinking anything through. It is done in a manner that guarantees that the side/after-effects consequentially cause destruction.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Modern Day warrior

I am not covered in Blood.

I do not rely on a Tool.

I can not turn invisible.

I will never transcend my biology.

I still get wounded from violence.

I fall because gravity affects me.

I run out of breath eventually.

I must sleep regardless of my desire.

I vomit when I get sick.

I cry when I am depressed.

I hope for safety when in fear of something.

I get mad when pushed around.

I lose my pride when I fail.

I pray because I am human.

All of these things translate to one thing.. I KNOW MY PLACE. I am not a God. In fact, I am a mortal and a limited one at that.
However it may be, among all these things, I am a warrior at heart. As I choose to stand for my beliefs no matter how small it makes me seem. Because it is the things that I do which defines me.

I am..
A Moddern Day Warrior.