
Friday, February 22, 2013

4D Thinking

There is a lot of controversy concerning the extent of the Human experience. This can be a matter of what we are capable of perceiving, or it could be a matter of social politics. In most cases it does come down to what any one individual is subjected to by virtue of their environment or by virtue of their physical capacity.
However, it's not often that people will discuss their experiences that can't be explained by conventional Science.
I'm speaking about that which isn't limited to the physical plane of existence.

The people who believe that there is more than just a metaphysical realm of existence, that it is intrinsically linked to the physical and is even the home of entities that have an important role in historical truths, they are usually referred to as 'Dualists'. However, the term can be confusing, so let's define it based on the myriad of acceptable terms first:

  • an adherent of dualism

  • (dualism) the doctrine that reality consists of two basic opposing elements, often taken to be mind and matter (or mind and body), or good and evil

  • Dualism denotes a state of two parts. The word's origin is the Latin duo, "two". The term 'dualism' was originally coined to denote co-eternal binary opposition, a meaning that is preserved in metaphysical and philosophical duality discourse but has been diluted in general or common usages.

  • (Dualism (law)) Dualism is a legal concept which contends that national law and international law are two separate and distinct areas of law. It can be contrasted with the legal theory of monism which contends the opposite. ...

  • (Dualism (philosophy)) In philosophy of mind, dualism is a set of views about the relationship between mind and matter, which begins with the claim that mental phenomena are, in some respects, non-physical.Hart, W.D. (1996) "Dualism", in A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind, ed. ...

  • (Dualism (politics)) In (Dutch) politics the term Dualism is used to refer to the separation of powers between the Dutch cabinet and parliament. In this respect, the way the Dutch cabinets function is somewhere in between the USA and UK systems of government. ...

  • Any person who supports dualism, the belief in absolute good and absolute evil; Any person who believes in or argues for the duality of something; Of or supporting dualism

  • (dualism) Duality; the condition of being double; The view that the world consists of, or is explicable in terms of, two fundamental principles, such as mind and matter or good and evil; The belief that the world is ruled by a pair of antagonistic forces, such as good and evil; the belief that ...

  • (dualism) Any philosophical theory holding that the universe consists of, or can only be explained by, two independent and separate forces, such as matter and spirit, the forces of good and evil, or the supernatural and natural. See also mind-body problem.

  • (Dualism) The view that there are two different kinds of stuff, usually mind and matter.

  • (Dualism) The view that the mind and the body are separate or separable subjects of study or experience.

  • (Dualism) Mental separation from the universe and seeing oneself as different.  Perception of the absence of love is often part of dualism.  Dualism can also mean the belief that the brain and the mind are ontologically separate things.

There are a whole lot more entries that we can get into, but most of the others are just explanations of the same thing done by different people. For the interest of what I'm getting at, I included the definitions that are pertinent to my point. Especially the one that is highlighted in red.
The reason why the highlighted definition is of the highest priority is because many people are adverse to the idea that there is another force to nature that is not of the same operating principles of physics let alone testable through the Scientific method. It is by virtue of the inability to find a consistent set of parallels to test the 'supernatural' that most people discount it as real or even possible.

I do not discount the deductions of anyone who is against the idea that a Spiritual plane of existence lays parallel to the physical. What I do discount is that the lack of evidence is somehow evidence of a lack of existence. To me, that's an intentional projection of denial that there are many people who have claimed to crossed the veil that separates the two planes, people who's lives were profoundly changed by the experience. I am not talking about people who claim there is an Astral plane, therefore the change in their life is a matter of worldviews. I am talking about people who once were abhorrently opposed to the idea of any other plane of existence, supernatural entities included, then were somehow changed into dedicated believers.

I am a believer of multidimensional physical existence. Or rather.. A multiverse.
I do not believe in the theory that there are multiple Universes outside of our Universe that are all contained and possibly explained like bubbles floating around an even greater expanse. I believe in the idea of the 5th dimension and the multiverse existing as a matter of split choices, ours being the 'static' and prime Universe that is central, the original if you must.
To me, it further proves the infinite power, wisdom, understanding, and sovereignty of divinity; it does nothing to harm my faith of a Triune God, it only serves to make sense of the limitlessness of the concept of whatever can be infinite.
Despite this, I do not consider the multiverse to be relevant to my Dualist ideology. No, in fact I look at the supernatural and the Spiritual plane of existence as something else entirely. Which is where my point comes to it's head.

Often we humans disregard the idea that we exist in more dimensions than just 3. We are quick to look at our physical essence as the 'explanation' of our existence instead of just the vehicle for perception of the physical as well as functioning within the limits of physics. It's this kind of thinking that limits humanity as a whole from understanding the deeper facets of the capacity of the physical mind let alone what can't be explained with conventional science.
Even if you can't accept the idea that there is a spiritual plane, you can't discount the occurrence of events that happen in an individual's life that seem to be purely psychosomatic. Especially when they are afflicted with some life-threatening disease and are able to overcome it with only the power of their thinking, whereas all other physical treatment fails. You can't discredit the individuals who have out-of-body experiences near death and tell of a world that is consistent with others who have experienced the same thing. For certain, it is absolute folly to try to discredit the awesome power of a psychic that is accountable to their own method and proves to not be a fraud.
This may not be proof of the spiritual plane, but there doesn't seem to be any other way to accurately ascertain a definition through conventional thinking. I think that is quite fitting, since conventional thinking was composed by the physical plane. Just like conventional physics can't explain Quantum Phenomenon, even though the two don't conflict.

Awaken to possibilities, 3D thinking is dying. The Modernist lost to Post Modernism, and now the Post Modernist is losing to the Enlightened Spiritualists.
Truth is not subjective, Science is not king of reliability, and being against Dualism is showing to have a detrimental effect on the individual and society.
I'm interested to see if the tide changes in my lifetime, because it would seem that 5th Dimensional Acensionists think the powers of darkness want us to remain as Post Modernists to further the agenda of material bondage.

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